Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Lime Chicken Tacos

Ana's Corner

Last night I asked my husband what he wanted for dinner.  I don't know if it's just me...but it seems that the hardest part of making dinner is deciding what to make! I'll make anything in the world, but please, don't make me choose what it is! For perhaps the first time ever, instead of giving me some sort of lame "whatever you want" response, he replied "chicken tacos!" Hooray! Chicken tacos it was!  I've never really made chicken tacos so I started to look for recipes online and I found this one that turned out super yummy...though I've changed it up a bit.

Chicken Tacos

2 chicken breasts--cut into small pieces
1 tablespoon olive oil
2 tablespoons lemon juice
2 tablespoons lime juice
1 tablespoon agave
1.5 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce
1 teaspoon onion powder
1/2 teaspoon garlic salt
pepper to taste

1 tablespoon olive oil
1 pepper cut into, chopped (I use whatever I have--red/green/orange, sometimes I'll just chop up mini sweet peppers)
1 onion chopped
sour cream

Chop the onion into thin wedges.  Pour olive oil into a large pan, sautee onion for a couple minutes until softened, then toss in the green peppers.  Leave on medium low while you continue on to the chicken.  (I covered it to help soften the peppers faster and to hold in the moisture). 

In another large pan add olive oil on medium high heat.  Toss in chicken pieces and stir, then add in lemon juice, lime juice, agave, Worcestershire sauce, sprinkle with the onion powder, garlic salt, and pepper--stir all together.  I covered the chicken at this point and let it boil on high for a couple minutes until the outside of the chicken was completely white.  Then I uncovered it and let the juices boil dry (it just took a minute or two).  The chicken is PACKED with flavor but feel free to experiment by adding more or less of the powders/salts (you could just as easily use onion salt and garlic powder...or use both as powders and then add actual salt.   The possibilities are endless :-P) By now your vegetables should be nice and carmelized (I like my vegetables to be soft and sweet...if you prefer a little crunch then hopefully you turned your vegetables off like ten minutes ago...).  Spread salsa and sour cream in center of tortilla, add chicken and veggies, add lettuce, top with cheese! My husband was such a big fan we repeated the recipe tonight :-) 


These lime chicken tacos are REALLY yummy when topped with our Cafe Rio Creamy Cilantro Dressing

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