Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Homemade Pop-tarts

From Megan's Kitchen

So to continue on my anti-processed food kick...I made these pop tarts. Now don't get all huffy puffy on me...I never said I was getting rid of junk food. I just feel better about making it with these two little hands. And I will say it was well worth it. My 10-month old refused to eat dinner tonight but once he got his pudgy little hands on one of these he chomped the whole thing down. And I just stood by all shocked and amazed and allowed him to get away with this nonsense of only feasting on treats. When I saw that these pop tarts were pie crust and jam....just like the roly poly's we ate growing up, I was excited to try them. And they were really quick and easy to make. That may be due to the fact that the dough only was enough to make 5 pop tarts. I have never liked working with pie crust and this adventure was no different. I couldn't get it thin enough and it wasn't easy to work with so next time I make these I'm just going to go ahead and use store bought dough...oh that considered processed? Oh's what you do:

To make pie crust, combine 1-1/2 cups flour and 1/2 tsp salt.

 With a pastry cutter, cut in 1/4 cup butter and 1/4 cup shortening.

 Then add 3 tablespoons of cold water one at a time unto the dough forms a ball.

 Roll out your dough on a floured surface and then cut out rectangles that are about 3"x4".

 Put 1-1/2 tsp of jam on each rectangle. I used raspberry but I think I will try strawberry next time.

 Place another rectangle on top and pinch around the edges .  Bake in a 450 degree oven for 7-8 minutes or until light brown.

 Remove to a cooling rack and cool.

 Once they are cool thin a cup of powdered sugar with  milk until you get a thick frosting. Spread it over the top of the cooled pop tarts and then decorate with sprinkles.

 They were so yummy but I think I preferred them better after they had been in the fridge for awhile. Store in fridge in an air tight container....if they last long enough to store.


Those look awesome. I'll have to try them out. If you let the dough rest (wrapped an cling wrap) in the fridge for an hour or two, it will be easier to work with.


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