Quilt Patterns "And They Lived Happily Ever After"

It was a magical year for my daughter as she met the man of her dreams and got married.
We displayed this quilt at her summer wedding.
We displayed this quilt at her summer wedding.
What a great heirloom for any little girl. Make your little princess this quilt, switch out the pictures
as she grows up and then display it at her wedding.
as she grows up and then display it at her wedding.
The "And They Lived Happily Ever After"quilt pattern is a revised pattern from the
"Once Upon A Time" Quilt. We have added the last block that says
"And They Lived Happily Ever After."
"Once Upon A Time" Quilt. We have added the last block that says
"And They Lived Happily Ever After."
Check out our website
for all patterns.
I love this quilt for Ana and her husband. Wow, what talent.
REPLYYou can make me a quilt anyday.